Saturday, February 18, 2006

i am still

i am still in "love" with her.

if you want to know more, or change things, please do so.

i am ready.

are you?

i am also kind, fyi.


I like options.

It is cold, my fingers.

Brink of cold.


Linda tells me, kiddo, learn to take the


Love Yourself.

Don't be so mean.

No one will ever know.

All of a sudden:

In the airport, Bangalore to SFO. I drink the pineapple juice not because I am thirsty but bc Ajji made it for me. With love. I love and drink. It suffocates me a little. What does it all mean?

Still in the airport, then on the airplane, I try to hold on, everything is there, but undertermined.

I am here for the present.

rekha tells me

i updated my blog!
you and me are probably the only people who read it.
happy saturday

Monday, February 13, 2006

You died of a broken heart in your past life

You died of a broken heart in your past life.

She asks me what I need to know to let go.

How can I be open to love?

Ok, let me explain something and then I will ask you again.

Imagine that you are in your room.
I am in my room.
Look around.
It is light blue. The walls, the painted wooden floor, the sun light slips between the white curtains. Pulled together at the center.
Now, you need to look around to see what is in there that you can take out. For example, you have a big almara that is blocking up the space. It is time.
I know it is there, but I can't see it as such, as this is a metaphor anyway.
You need to take this thing out before you let something new in.

I am going to ask you once again.

I have three words: my father, confidence, desire.

She draws the 4 of cups.

A woman has her back to the deep blue ocean. She is in an open walled temple. She sits in the middle as 2 women talk to her.

You are usually the listener and the teacher. You have been trying to compensate for the one who left.

Do you know what you need to do?

I am fixated on the blue of the water.

In yoga class I realize, I have no idea what to do. Be present. Be here. Or fall. Look at that point on the ground to keep your balance. Move your torso, keep your hips where they are. Breathe. Om Namo Naryana.

For my bed, I finally get a new cover. A quilt. I sweep and bleach-mop my floor. I will take out the trash next week. I draw the curtains. I burn a lilac scented incense.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

happiness, peace- the conflation of other things too

i am officially conflating my public and private addresses. aka: thus starts the part where i cut and paste from a letter i wrote onto my blog. with edits, of course.

not like i have never done it before, as if.


loveley you,

in meditation, when howie was reciting a poem, i had a breakthrough glimpse that i may be able to connect with f's poetry after all. i bet her poetry is zen! well, ok, it may be catholic, but underneath all religion is spiritual... (yes, i know her writing is more spiritual anyway)

have not tried it yet, but so excited, i had to tell you.

howie was on fire last night. i am still musing over some inspired thoughts. to share.

also, i was thinking lovely and fond thoughts about you last night!

i re-encountered that i had that feeling (for you) again, which i have had for the whole 10 + years we have been friends: every day and every moment i am excited to know you!

oh la la, i love being in the present. i think i love fluidity- i guess some call it change too. being alive. i love, as neela calls it, being in love with my friends!

dude, it feels so good to feel alive and connected to those i love.

i am not sure if what i feel inside jingling around is happiness or peace.

i woke up at 7:28 am this morning because i had to pea and because i wanted to google and find an online entry of frida kahlo's journal entry. did not find it, but i crave it.

let's make a date soon.

make me a list of juicy things from your school week, or scan cartons you have drawn while in class.

nb wants to write a graphic novel and i said, um, hello, talk to akd!

love, kn

ps. i want another tattoo...i even have an idea!

here is a give away hint: waterfall.

liquid musings

liquid musings:

chamomile tea- yum yum
fruit punch gatorade- always
water- forever
more water- all around
green tea - cultivating
coffee -may be leaving
orange spice tea- tonight's discovery
morning blend from joe's corner store- ah, yeah
hot cocco with soy - sleepy
buttermilk -yes, it is true
sangria- refreshing
red wine- smooth, sometimes
banana soy shake- yes i can drink milk
water with saffron- yet to try


of course compiling this list was inspired.


i have also been researching and collecting artists' blogs and journal entries. want to introduce my students to the world of "filmmaker" journal via an online blog.
woke up this morning at 7:28 am - mostly because i had to pea, mostly because i was dreaming of a reading of frida kahlo's journal. here i am blogging, before i go onto google again to find a frida entry in the world wide web.